Wednesday, September 13, 2006

¿un ataque nuclear de Al qaeda en el ramadan?

aunque en este blog no pretendo ser amarillista ni alarmista en exceso,la noticia de que al qaeda esta planeando detonar una bomba atomica en EE.UU en el ramadan ( que empieza el 24 de septiembre) como lo dicen las dos notas siguientes:
1.- al-Qaeda Planning Nuclear Terror Attack During Month of Ramadan Beginning Sept. 24Night Watch: TEHRAN - AKI reports that Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir, when interviewed over al-Arabiya televison, stated that during his recent trip to Afghanistan he met with Taliban fighters and al-Qaeda (Tehran) members who spoke of a nuclear terror attack inside the United States during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan which begins on September 24. That the attack is being planned by Adnan Al-Shukri Juma, an al-Qaeda agent who had been trained in nuclear technology along with other al-Qaeda members. [AKI]
Juma's role seems to be similar to the role of Mohammad Atta who lead the first hijacked plane into the World Trade Center on 9/11. The Pentagon was also attacked and it is possible Washington - New York are being targeted again.
According to the Pakistani journalist, explosives and nuclear material have been smuggled into the U. S. through the Mexican border. In September 1997 the CBS program 60 Minutes interviewed former Russian General Alexander Lebed who stated that when the Soviet Union broke up, a lot of suitcase size nuclear bombs were unaccounted for, nearly 200 of them. There was no speculation as to were they went but everyone knew, before the interview, that a lot of what the Soviet Union had did indeed go south including Russian scientists who are no strangers to nuclear material and eager to serve anyone who could pay them more than Moscow.
The bombs look like a suitcase and they can also fit inside one. They only weigh 60-100 lbs and if you see a man carrying one it will look like he is carrying a suitcase. I believe it was mentioned than in terms of nuclear energy, the bombs were 1 kiloton. They were initially designed to destroy a large enemy military base but if they are detonated in an urban center it could kill 50,000-100,000 people.

2.-Osama bin Laden is planning to carry out new, more destructive attacks inside the United States, and there is someone working on this terror plot currently in the US, according to Hamid Mir, the famed Pakistani journalist who obtained the only post-9/11 interviews with Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. In an interview quoted on the website of the al-Arabiya television network, Mir spoke about his last trip to Afghanistan and his meeting with al-Qaeda members and Taliban leaders.In his interview with, Mir said that the al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters referred to attacks targeting the US-led coalition forces during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which begins on 24 September, and that the al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden was in "good" health during a meeting he had recently with the Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar. Mir also said that bin Laden has assigned a man named Adnan Al-Shukri Juma to carry out a new attack within the US which is intended to be larger than the 11 September, 2001 attacks. According to Mir, Adnan Jumaa has smuggled explosives and nuclear materials into the US through the Mexican border over the last two years and is hiding somewhere in America where the FBI has not been able to locate him...The American writer, Paul Williams, in his book "The Al-Qaeda Connection: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, and the Coming Apocalypse", says he was among a number of Al-Qaeda members trained for the nuclear technology. From WIKI: When Khaled Shaikh Mohammed, former operational commander of al-Qaeda, was captured in March 2003 and interrogated, he fingered Adnan el Shukrijumah as the man who would later be in charge of a new attack.

tiene ciertos puntos que pueden darle veracidad y esos puntos son:
a)lo del periodista pakistani con fuentes en al qaeda
b)hace años a mi me llamo la atencion que en mi pais circulo la nota de que habia un terrorista de al qaeda que era adnan el Shukrijumah y le di seguimiento en el internet y todo lo que comentan esas dos notas es cierto
c) lo de las bombas atomicas en maletines rusas que se perdieron tambien yo lo habia leido hace años
d)hace poco al qaeda puso un video donde un musulman de origen americano advertia de que los EE.UU deberian de convertirse al islam o seran destruidos y eso es lo que pide mahoma que se haga con los enemigos
e)la siguiente nota que proviene de una fuente seria:
donde un agente especial del FBI dice lo siguiente:
Virtually every one of the FBI's 56 field offices are involved in the hunt, according to Stuart McArthur, the assistant Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Miami field office, who heads up the bureau's hunt for Shukrijumah.


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