Thursday, July 13, 2006

las cuatro razones por las que Iran y Siria iniciaron el conflicto en Libano

Hizbollah’s War for Iran and Syria
By Walid Phares
Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, in his press conference yesterday, declared a war that many in Lebanon believe was in line with Iran and Syria’s strategies. Last night on al-Hurra TV, I developed the real 4 reasons for this war across the Lebanese-Israeli border:
1. Iran is concerned about the nuclear crisis and wants to deflate the issue away.2. Syria is concerned about the Hariri murder investigation and wishes to postpone its results.3. Hizbollah is concerned about the call for disarming its militias and therefore decided to flare up the conflict with Israel.4. Finally, Hamas was sinking in crisis with Mahmoud Abbas and Fatah. Thus a Jihad against Israel was the solution.
On al-Hurra TV, I called the axis “Teheran-Damascus-southern suburbs of Beirut and Gaza.” The aim of Hamas and Hizbollah attacks against Israel is to strategically refocus the conflict back on Israel.
como se ve nada es casual en este asunto,todo fue instrumentado desde Teheran y Damasco,esperemos que paguen caro su osadia


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