Saturday, August 11, 2007

una presunta amenaza de una bomba "sucia" pone en alerta a Nueva York

En una pagina israeli sobre terorismo (debka file) ponen ellos la nota de que habian detectado en un chat de gente ligada a Al qaeda que estaba a punto de haber un ataque con un camion que trae una bomba radiologica o sucia y que seria en una de las siguientes ciudades Nueva york, Miami o Los Angeles a continuacion pongo la nota original:
The threat was picked up by DEBKAfile’s monitors from a rush of electronic chatter on al Qaeda sites Thursday, Aug. 8.
The al Qaeda communications accuse the Americans of the grave error of failing to take seriously the videotape released by the American al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gaddahn last week. “They will soon realize their mistake when American cities are hit by quality operations,” said one message.
Another said the attacks would be carried out “by means of trucks loaded with radio-active material against America’s biggest city and financial nerve center.”
A third message mentioned New York, Los Angeles and Miami as targets. It drew the answer: “The attack, with Allah’s help, will cause an economic meltdown, many dead, and a financial crisis on a scale that compels the United States to pull its military forces out of many parts of the world, including Iraq, for lack of any other way of cutting down costs.”
There is also a message which speaks obliquely of the approaching attacks easing the heavy pressure America exerts on countries like Japan, Cuba and Venezuela.
DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources and monitors say there is no way of gauging for sure how serious these threats are, how real, or whether they are part of a war of nerves to give the Gaddahn tape extra mileage. But it is important to note that the exchange of messages took place over al Qaeda’s internal Internet sites and that they contained the threat of radioactive terror and specific American cities for the first time after a long silence on these subjects.
In addition, a growing number of clips has been disseminated of late over al Qaeda sites instructing the faithful how to design remote-controlled gliders, pack them with explosives and launch them against predetermined targets.
pudiera ser una falsa alarma o alguna broma macabra de algun musulman radical pero en la ciudad de Nueva York prefirieron tomar algunas precauciones cosa que me parece muy correcto y sano y aque ademas de esta amenaza por si sola es muy grave,desde hace tiempo esta el rumor de que este verano los de Al qaeda planean un gran ataque en los EEUU en este blog he puesto algunas notas :
Refuerzan vigilancia en Nueva York ante 'amenaza radiactiva'Adoptan fuerzas de seguridad neoyorquinas medidas de seguridad ante lo que han considerado amenazas no sustanciales recibidas por internet sobre la posible presencia en sus calles de material radiactivo
EFE Nueva York, EU
Sábado 11 de agosto de 200710:08
Las autoridades de Nueva York reforzaron hoy las medidas de vigilancia en la ciudad como precaución ante lo que han considerado amenazas "no sustanciales" recibidas por internet sobre la posible presencia en sus calles de material radiactivo.
Las fuerzas de seguridad neoyorquinas han adoptado medidas de precaución y realizan controles de automóviles y vehículos en las entradas de la ciudad, en los puentes y en los túneles, además de haber desplegado sensores radiológicos en las calles, así como en zonas acuíferas y en el aire.
El subcomisionado de la Policía, Paul Browne, indicó a medios locales que esas amenazas habían aparecido en una página web israelí, y que en ella se decía que miembros estadounidenses de la red terrorista Al Qaeda habían realizado amenazas contra diplomáticos y embajadas en diversos lugares del mundo.
Por su parte, el alcalde de Nueva York, emitió hoy un comunicado de prensa en el que tranquiliza a la población y señala que la respuesta de la Policía ante esa situación no es extraordinaria, además de que el nivel de alerta de la Gran Manzana no ha cambiado.
"La Policía de Nueva York adopta medidas de ese tipo todos los días, son solo precauciones ante amenazas potenciales, pero sin confirmar y que podrían no materializarse nunca" , agregó Bloomberg.
Por su parte, el diario The New York Times publica hoy que las autoridades establecieron puntos de control en la madrugada del sábado en algunas zonas del sur de Manhattan.
Según ese diario, la policía de la Gran Manzana tuvo conocimiento de esa posible amenaza a través de la página web, un sitio que, según Browne indicó, podría tener conexiones con fuentes militares y de inteligencia israelíes.
En esa página web se dice que Al Qaeda planea detonar un camión con material radiológico en ciudades de EU como Nueva York, Los Angeles o Miami.
Fuentes consultadas por el diario neoyorquino le indicaron que esa página contiene "informaciones que son erróneas a menudo, pero que ocasionalmente pueden ser verdad".
esperemos que solo sea una falsa alarma y en eso quede


Blogger Marilú said...

El terrorismo de cualquier grupo es tan difuso y tan difícil de detectar e identificar, que el enemigo puede estar en todos lados inclusive en casa...como ya se vió en lo de las torres gemelas.

Y no queda de otra, más que investigar cualquier "rumor".

Lo que si se me hizo sorpresiva, fue la noticia de los bombardeos atribuídos a Alqaeda pero en Irak...¿Es extraño no crees?

¿Sabías de algún rumor por este estilo?

10:02 AM  
Blogger godofredo de bouillon said...

debido a la pesimamente planeada invasion de irak por los EEUU desde hace tiempo los de alqaeda se metieron a ese pais y estan haciendo ataques contra los EEUU el ejercito iraqui y lo que es peor contra civiles y en cuantoa esta ultima bombazos los de al qaeda lo hicieron contra una secta llamada los "yazidis" aqui esta una nota que habla sobre ese ataque

BAGHDAD: Three suicide truck bombers hit members of an ancient religious sect in northwestern Iraq, killing at least 20 people and wounding 70, police said.
All the blasts occurred about 8 p.m. in two residential areas primarily inhabited by Yazidis near the town of Qahataniya, 120 kilometers (75 miles) west of Mosul, Iraq's third-largest city, police and city officials said.

Several shops were set ablaze and apartment buildings were destroyed by the powerful explosions.


Nobody claimed responsibility for the attacks. But they bore the hallmark of al-Qaida in Iraq, which has been regrouping in the north of the country after being driven from safe havens in Anbar and Diyala provinces.

Yazidis — a primarily Kurdish sect that worships an angel figure considered to be the devil by some Muslims and Christians — have been the frequent target of violence in northern Iraq, particularly in areas surrounding Mosul, 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad.

The stoning death in April of a Yazidi teenager who had recently converted to Islam after she fell in love with a Muslim and ran off with him appears to have triggered some of the worst attacks. Police said 18-year-old Duaa Khalil Aswad was killed by relatives who disapproved of the match.

A grainy video showing gruesome scenes of the woman's killing was later distributed on Iraqi Web sites, but its authenticity could not be independently verified.

Two weeks later, gunmen shot and killed 23 Yazidis execution-style after stopping their bus and separating out followers of other faiths after checking their identification cards in what was believed to have been retaliation for the woman's death.

The bodies of two Yazidi men who had been stoned to death also turned up in the morgue in the northern city of Kirkuk on Tuesday, six days after they had been kidnapped while they were en route to Baghdad to sell olives, police said.

Police Brig. Gen. Sarhat Qadir and a Sunni tribal leader said Akbar Hassan, 38, and Ayad Khadir, 50, had been kidnapped by al-Qaida-linked insurgents who took them to the predominantly Sunni village of al-Saeeda and ordered the residents to stone them because they were "infidels." The villagers refused, so the insurgents killed the men themselves, Qadir said.

Sheik Ismael al-Hadidi, a Sunni tribal leader in Kirkuk, said about 40 gunmen had distributed fliers signed by the al-Qaida front group the Islamic State of Iraq in the village saying that the killing of the two Yazidi men was in retaliation for the killing of the Yazidi woman in April.

The bodies were left outside for 24 hours before being buried because the villagers were afraid of the gunmen. But some villagers later told al-Hadidi, who informed the family of the slain men, who lived near Mosul.

"By this savage act, the insurgents wanted to win the support and the sympathy of the Sunni residents of al-Saeeda village, but the Sunni villagers' refusal to participate in the stoning shows that those insurgents have failed and they are unpopular," al-Hadidi said.

Relatives traveled to Kirkuk but were afraid to go to the village, so five police cars were sent to retrieve the bodies, al-Hadidi said.

"This is a criminal act carried out by cowards who want to exploit the story of the slain Yazidi woman," one of them, 44-year-old Sami Benda, said. "The two men killed were only peasants who were planning to sell their crops in Baghdad, they have nothing to do with political and religious disputes. We are still paying the price of a foolish, wrong act conducted by small number of Yazidis who stoned the woman."

12:44 PM  

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